DYNACORD Installationsförstärkare, 8X500W/100V/20Ω, 2RU, Klass D
Innovative DYNACORD technology, exemplary flexibility, very high output with an extremely good efficiency and integration
into IRIS-Net networks.
The multi-channel DSA 8405 / 8410 / 8805 power amplifiers are a milestone in the design and production of high-powered
installation power amplifiers.
Unique flexibility through VLD
Each channel can be switched individually to provide 500W resp. 1000W at either 2Ohms, 4 Ohms or to drive 70 Vrms or 100
Vrms loudspeaker lines directly without an output transformer. In combination with the RCM-810 module the user can configure
these amplifiers under IRIS-Net using the Variable Load Drive (VLD) to provide any output power in the range of 100W to
500/1000W per channel (1W increments) at any load in the range of 2 Ohms - 10 Ohms (0,1 Ohms increments).
The Phoenix input connectors are electronically balanced. Phoenix connectors are also provided for the power outputs. The
POWER REMOTE connector makes the task of remote controlling the power amplifier as well as switching it on and off simple.
For further remote-supervision and –control possibilities and integration into IRIS-Net networks, an optional remote control
module (RCM-810) is available.
▪ 4 x 500 W
▪ Class D
▪ Optimized for permanent installation
▪ EN 54-16: 2008
▪ Optional Remote Control Module (RCM-810)